Jane LynchDid I Stop Picking up my Phone When I Woke up?Reflections on habit # 2: Eliminating reactive phone pick-upJul 2, 20211Jul 2, 20211
Jane LynchIt’s all a Question of What You’re WearingReflections on habit # 3: The ritual of preparing to exerciseJul 3, 20213Jul 3, 20213
Jane LynchHow did I get on with my Daily Bible Reading?Reflection on habit # 4: Hearing, reading & meditating on God’s wordJul 4, 20212Jul 4, 20212
Jane LynchFinding a Quiet Time is Incredibly ChallengingReflecting on habit # 5: Making time to listen to GodJul 5, 20211Jul 5, 20211
Jane LynchThe Health Benefits of MovingReflection on habit # 6: Exercising my feeble jointsJul 6, 20213Jul 6, 20213
Jane LynchThat Morning Routine is so Important!Reflections on habit # 7: Getting through the morning routine in the morningJul 7, 20212Jul 7, 20212
Jane LynchHow Many Frogs Did I Eat?Reflecting on habit # 8: Do that thing already!Jul 8, 20213Jul 8, 20213
Jane LynchThe Best Days are the Undistracted OnesReflecting on habit # 9: Getting into a flow stateJul 9, 20212Jul 9, 20212
Jane LynchA Sound EscapeReflecting on habit # 10: You can read so much more when you listen!Jul 10, 20211Jul 10, 20211
Jane LynchMarching to A Different DrumbeatReflecting on habit # 11: Setting aside prime time for my callingJul 11, 20217Jul 11, 20217
Jane LynchCan I Have my Cake and not Eat it?Reflecting on habit # 12: Three square meals a day, no more and no lessJul 12, 20213Jul 12, 20213
Jane LynchDon’t Resist a Rest!Reflecting on habit # 13: A short nap has a reviving effectJul 13, 20212Jul 13, 20212
Jane LynchCuppa, Anyone?Reflecting on habit # 14: When I’m running out of ideas, a cup of tea always helps clear the mindJul 14, 20211Jul 14, 20211
Jane LynchYou Don’t Always Have to Plan too Far Ahead.Reflecting on habit # 15: Meal planning doesn’t have to be a burdenJul 15, 20212Jul 15, 20212
Jane LynchLoads of LaundryReflecting on habit # 16: Folding laundry and feeding the soulJul 16, 20213Jul 16, 20213
Jane LynchMake Some Sound!Reflections on habit # 17: Playing a musical instrument a little bit every dayJul 17, 20211Jul 17, 20211
Jane LynchSavouring the Evening HoursReflecting on habit # 18: Pausing to take a breath and consider what this is all forJul 18, 20212Jul 18, 20212
Jane LynchAlcohol-free Weeknights?Reflecting on habit # 19: A nice little drink in the eveningJul 19, 20214Jul 19, 20214